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Tool to enhance the capabilities of designers through AI
Designed by designers for designers. Optic is hand-crafted by two designers of the industry dedicated to improving their workflow.
Dictate shape and style with precision using advanced tools like shape control and inspiration images.
No prompting required. To get started just upload your image and start generating!
Built From Necessity
Model settings, control the generative freedom whether you want to ideate or refine your image.
Shape Control, guide the model to follow the shapes of your sketches, linework and images.
Inspiration Images, add other images to the mix to generate fresh ideas and concepts.
Control Tools
Subscribe to the Early Access and get access to the tool and all Pro features.
Cancel Anytime, Billed Monthly.
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Tool to enhance the capabilities of designers through AI
Designed by designers for designers. Optic is hand-crafted by two designers of the industry dedicated to improving their workflow.
Dictate shape and style with precision using advanced tools like shape control and inspiration images.
No prompting required. To get started just upload your image and start generating!
Built From Necessity
Model settings, control the generative freedom whether you want to ideate or refine your image.
Shape Control, guide the model to follow the shapes of your sketches, linework and images.
Inspiration Images, add other images to the mix to generate fresh ideas and concepts.
Control Tools
If you are a company and are looking for custom configurations of Optic for your business. Let's get in contact!
Optic Enterprise
Additional Features
Local Set Up
Custom Fine-tuning
Private Instances
Custom Model Configs
Note This is an early access product. This means that there might be bugs and issues along the way. You should only proceed if you are comfortable with this.
We are constantly updating and adding new capabilities to the tool. The Early Access is a fantastic
way to support the project and we are grateful for anyone that does so!
Early Access
Get early access to the Optic tool and support the development. Gives you access to all the Pro features and updates with the latest builds.
Optic Early Access
Unlimited Generations
Shape Control & Inspiration Image
Refiner & 4K Exports
Note This is an early access product. This means that there might be bugs and issues along the way. You should only proceed if you are comfortable with this.
We are constantly updating and adding new capabilities to the tool. The Early Access is a fantastic
way to support the project and we are grateful for anyone that does so!
Subscribe to the Early Access and get access to the tool and all Pro features.
Cancel Anytime, Billed Monthly.
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